Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tim Redmond

Tim Redmond has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He spent much of that time as executive editor of the Bay Guardian. He is the founder of 48hills.

FBI arrests DPW director in corruption case

The director of the Department of Public Works, Mohammed Nuru, has been arrested in a federal corruption probe, numerous sources confirmed. The Chron reports...

When Jerry Brown sounds like Donald Trump

Scott Shafer’s conversations with former Gov. Jerry Brown are running as a series on KQED, and the section on his work in Oakland, which...

The Chron’s embarrassing attack on Boudin just got worse

The Chronicle has been attacking Chesa Boudin and the concept of serious criminal justice reform since he first announced he was running for DA....

Terence Hallinan, rebel and advocate for the oppressed

Terence Hallinan died Jan. 17, and in death got a lot more positive press than he ever did in life. The Chron ran a nice...

How corporate rentals are taking away rent-controlled housing

During the Planning Commission’s hearing last Thursday on corporate rentals, Peter Cohen, co-director of the Council of Community Housing Organizations, made a critical point. “We...

With Fewer retiring, Connie Chan takes up progressive banner in D1

District 1 has a remarkable political history. It’s not, by definition, one of the most left-leaning parts of the city. The voters who tend...

Real-estate industry rebels at modest measure to limit corporate rentals

The real-estate industry and the San Francisco Planning Department are going crazy over a rather modest proposal by Sup. Aaron Peskin to limit corporate...

The Chron’s bizarre (but predictable) attack on Chesa Boudin

To read the San Francisco Chronicle headlines, a rather routine decision by the new district attorney to bring his own staff to leadership positions...

Supes poised to create 12 new districts where vacancy tax can be assessed

The Board of Supes is moving to create a dozen new neighborhood commercial districts – a move that will bring more of the city...

Why so little state money for housing?

Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing the biggest budget in state history, $220 billion,which is a huge number, and it shows that Newsom, unlike his...