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Friday, April 26, 2024

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Sweeping in the rain

From SoMa to Wood Street Commons, the unhoused suffer as the brutal sweeps continue

Begging, sadly, for protection from eviction at Oakland’s Wood Street community

A bicycle convoy to Sacramento shows how legislators duck the crisis.

The exceptional hobo

The violence of exceptionalism on stolen land.

Academia, displacement, and the dorm-industrial complex

From Columbia's Manhattanville to UC Berkeley in People's Park, luxury student housing can lead to gentrification

Fighting the Oakland school closures

If I hadn’t had a school to go to with teachers and free breakfast as a houseless child, I literally couldn’t have made it through my life.

A houseless woman gives birth in a porta potty in Oakland—and the baby lives

No pre-natal care. Nowhere to go. And yet, thanks to community action, mama and child are okay.

The real, ongoing states of emergency for people who are in poverty

Temporary shelter beds and jails don't give people a place to live.

Justice for Tyrell Wilson, homeless and dead in a largely white town

The challenges of 'not looking dangerous' in the California suburbs

Homelessness—and failed solutions— in Salt Lake City and Denver

Sweeps and attacks on the unhoused are not just happening in the Bay Area; it's a national problem.

The indigenous struggle to save trees — and sacred spaces — in Humboldt

Between the timber companies and state agencies, so much devastation.