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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Halim Madi

Halim Madi
A poet and a programmer, Halim plays at the intersection of technology and language. His work engages the collective to pervert and reclaim alienating systems. He spent the pandemic replying to scam texts with poetry, culminating in his most recent book, "Invasions". You can find more of his work on www.halimmadi.com and @yallah_halim.

Dan Hoyle’s ‘Border People’ demonstrates the radical empathy we need right now

The long-running solo show channels 11 folks crossing identity-based and geographic borders, and remains a must-see

Saturating the mundane with the sensual in JP Morrison Lans’ ‘The Love Eater’

The Tulsa artist's show at Heron Arts summons the ungraspable beneath the everyday, with bold colors and body parts.

Reflections on an explosion: the Beirut disaster three years on

Because the catastrophe fits no grand geopolitical narrative of war and history, its destruction is easily forgotten by the world

Paper artist Pippa Dyrlaga bridges natural worlds in ‘Biophilia’

At Heron Arts, diaphanous visions of foliage, matriarchs, and the grandeur of the unassuming