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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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MoviesScreen Grabs

Screen Grabs

Celluloid goodies galore at SFFILM’s final week

Tributes to Michelle Yeoh and Trinh T. Minh-ha, plus 'Emily the Criminal,' 'Intregalde,' and a bat mitzvah party bonanza

Screen Grabs: Vikings vs Nic Cage in a war of the cult flicks

'The Northman' and 'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' will bring geeky delight to their respective cinephile fandoms

SFFILM fest brings news of the world, from Ukraine terror to volcanic eruptions of love

Llama-herding Bolivian elders, poisoned Russian dissident, little shell with shoes on, Afrofuturistic 'Neptune' trip, more at 65th edition

Screen Grabs: The dark, white underbelly of Abercrombie & Fitch

'White Hot' tells of retail disaster. Plus: Engaging Uruguayan horror 'Virus :32,' '80s Romanian sci-fi animation, more

Screen Grabs: Remember the name Franz Rogowski

The wily German actor keeps climbing with poignant gay drama 'Great Freedom.' Plus: listless 'Paris, 13th District,' clone comedy 'Dual'

Screen Grabs: Green Film Fest regenerates with a ’70s sci-fi classic

A new version of the fest springs up around Earth Day. Plus: two very different Aussie flicks and 'All the Old Knives' reviewed

Screen Grabs: A conceptually bizarre life of Celine Dion

'Aline' will go on. Plus: gorgeous 'Rose Maker,' calming 'Cow,' and a caustic gay Romanian dilemma in 'Poppy Field'

Screen Grabs: Hot, wet, and Greek

Tales of environmental struggle and survival from Ocean Film Fest, Greek Film Fest, and three intriguing new movies

Screen Grabs: Witches in space! (We wish)

Apollo 10 1/2, Gagarine reach for stars while Suspiria 4K, You Won't Be Alone cast spells. Plus: The Automat, Mothering Sunday

Screen Grabs: Immersed in the works of an African great

Plus: A Georgian wrestler in New York, and miserables Irish spin on 'Hereditary,' Zero F*cks Given, more new movies

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