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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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MoviesScreen Grabs

Screen Grabs

Screen Grabs: From silents to Noise Pop, setting old scores and new

Hendrix in Maui, Chaplin at the Paramount, Aelita the Queen of Mars, Gwar, and more movies mix with music.

Screen Grabs: Women at the center—coming of age, taking revenge

'The Sky is Everywhere,' 'The Worst Person in the World,' and 'Catch the Fair One' unfold in very different ways.

Screen Grabs: Embarcadero Center Cinema is gone, but there are revivals aplenty

Mourning another rep house gone, and looking forward to old school movies—brilliant, romantic, cheesy, and beastly.

Screen Grabs: ‘Who We Are’ lays out just how much racial justice has stalled

Plus: Poetic 'Why is We Americans,' listless 'Sundown,' rousing 'The Conductor'—and 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner,' too.

Screen Grabs: Indiefest adds thematic heft to the usual wild fun

Black rage, migrant mystery, and sex-trafficking revenge join cat daddies, Airsteam trailers, and 'Mother Schnuckers' this year.

Screen Grabs: ‘Simple Passion’ is French, explicit, and kind of meh

Plus: A ludicrous new Woody Allen movie, Poly Styrene's life gets x-rayed, Italian youth speak out

Screen Grabs: The fascinating cringe of ‘Breezy’

Clint Eastwood's "sexy" 1973 relic gets a revival. Plus: 'The Cat,' 'Olive Trees of Justice,' more movie reviews

Screen Grabs: One of the best films of the year is sneaking into theaters

Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s Flee has swept many a Best Documentary Feature award already (at least those not claimed by Summer of Soul), which is something of a...

Screen Grabs: Help, there’s a yak in the classroom

A film from Bhutan heads to the Oscars. Plus: 'The Jockey,' 'Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn,' and the final film from Jóhann Jóhannsson

Screen Grabs: Barbara Stanwyck, ball of fire!

A retrospective at BAMPFA highlights the beloved star's flair for comedy and seductive vulnerability

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