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Friday, March 14, 2025

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MoviesScreen Grabs

Screen Grabs

Screen Grabs: Ida Lupino, Intent to Destroy, Stars Never Die….

You know the flood of awards-bait prestige releases has truly subsided when Liam Neeson is once again chasing bad guys in yet another interchangeable...

Screen Grabs: The Green Fog, Quest, Hostiles, Happy End …

SCREEN GRABS The holidays are over, but the holiday movies remain, or in some cases are still arriving—a few awards-bait features opened only for...

Favorite films of 2017

SCREEN GRABS Hollywood has already loaded the multiplexes with both entertainment fluff and awards bait for your between-holidays viewing pleasure, so openings this week...

Screen Grabs: A Christmas weekend movie bonanza

We are now in that time of year where for many, going to the movies means finding something "suitable for the whole family." Ergo...

Screen Grabs: California Typewriter, Lost Landscapes of San Francisco …

It’s a big weekend for family entertainment, with not only the new Star Wars joint (The Last Jedi—one of the falsest "last" promises in...

Screen Grabs: The Shape of Water, Shadowman, Agitprop 2….

SCREEN GRABS Two of the year’s more Oscar-hyped performances hit theaters this week, from two reliably excellent performers. There’s Gary Oldman under a whole...

Screen Grabs: Disaster Artist, Polish Animation, The Breadwinner….

SCREEN GRABS Not a lot going on this week in the realm of mainstream releases. But there’s no end of interest on the arthouse...

Screen Grabs: Brewmaster, Franz Fanon, The Divine Order, Pan’s Labyrinth …

SCREEN GRABS Thanksgiving is a big week for movies — much of America rolls downhill toward the multiplex after gorging themselves on the big...

Screen Grabs: LA 92, My Friend Dahmer, Chinese American Film Festival…

2SCREEN GRABS With as little ado as possible, let’s launch this newcolumn highlighting the week’s film picks — an attempt to provide an easy...

Screen Grabs: A French feast of film noir

SCREEN GRABS Entertainment-industry legends seem to be dropping like flies these days, underlining the fact that luminaries of the 1960s and '70s are well...

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