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Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Homelessness and the SF mayor’s race

"Don't turn left, because that area is full of ‘bums’ and it doesn’t reflect on the real "San Francisco.” The cab driver clicked his...

A former Black Panther faces eviction in Oakland

"This is the Black Panthers vision, and its being evicted," said Aunti Frances Moore, revolutionary founder of the Self-Help Hunger Program and poverty skola/teacher...

Always, forced to move

The rubber sides of the boat were like arms – thick, round, hard. “These are the boats refugees have to travel through, men...

From the poor house to the jail house

We walk back and forth in a jail cell everyday – it’s called your doorways tent cities Bus benches and Metal chairs...

Who are the real hoarders?

“Mr. Allison, Mr. Allison, this is your case-mangler, we are here for your daily, weekly, hourly room inspection.” Covered in face mask, latex gloves and...

On the streets, after the Oakland fire

“All fire victims will have to leave the “temporary shelter” with or without any money or housing on April 6th,” reported Audrey Candy Corn, POOR...

The spirit of Standing Rock

Each step a prayer, through snow so deep your body can’t think. Sharp blue sky filled with whispers from ancestors, a river so sacred...

Homelessness and colonial media

"The Homeless caused the fires, they are always leaving trash and causing a mess everywhere they go," read the headline scrolling across the...

Mamas fight for justice for their African sons

  Sala Haquiyah Chandler and other mothers stood outside the SF courthouse recently, waiting while the alleged murderer of her son and three other young...

For homeless people, normal life becomes ‘dangerous’

Editor's note: News media all over San Francisco are writing about homelessness this week. We though we could offer a very different perspective. Our...