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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tom Molanphy


Generations came together in the Bayview to save the planet

The Igniting Youth Action for Climate and Environmental Justice Conference demonstrated the power of community knowledge.

James Baldwin’s 100th birthday stoked spirited words and fiery hope

The Mechanics' Institute Library filled with music, art, and essential readings honoring the revolutionary writer.

Juneteenth reading of ‘3rd & Palou’ humanized 1966 Hunters Point Uprising

Biko Eisen-Martin's thrilling work-in-progress play is 'based on the world immediately outside the exit doors.'

Citizens advisory committee presses Navy for answers on Hunters Point Shipyard

Military’s five-year review of clean-up and reuse plan reveals continued challenges for the toxic site.

While they helped win WWII, Hunters Point Shipyard’s Black workers fought discrimination at home

Stacey Carter talk focused on valiant history of resistance and neglect leading to Board of Supervisors' apology.

Boxing up fresh food justice: Bayview Community Co-Op boosts area health

Crisp butter lettuce, bright Italian parsley, glowing beets—collaborating with local growers, the org distributes organic.

Greening Bayview, one tree at a time

Friends of the Urban Forest tries slowly to restore an urban canopy in a neighborhood with little greenery.

Nourished by art in the Bayview, rooted in love

After a busy farmers' market at the Southeast Community Center, artist Malik Seneferu described how his hard past helped paint a brighter future.

This land is whose land?

The developer and the city insist the Hunters Point Shipyard is safe for development. There's a lot of data that says otherwise. Part III of a series.

The Hunters Point Shipyard: Art survives amid toxic waste

Part II: As artists move into the former base, the level of contamination reaches the point where 'if it can't be cleaned, stay the hell out.'