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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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City Hall

Police racism, police violence, a hiatus on the Amazon tax ….

... and gee, they are so nice in Sacramento. Guess that's why the landlord lobby keeps on winning.

The City Hall corruption probe may not be over

That sound you hear is the shoes falling from the City Hall corruption scandal: Mohammed Nuru is going to prison for as long as...

Evictions, displacement and a discretionary review on the edge of Chinatown

Plus: Will there be real civilian oversight of the Sheriff's Office? That's The Agenda for Aug. 21-28

No, San Francisco is not riven by a left vs. left ideological split

This old story is back, and it's still wrong: There are real, serious issues between the progressives and the corporate power structure

Stopping evictions in the Western Addition

Plus: Housing nonsense in the Tenderloin, a Berniecrats art show—and who will replace Nancy Pelosi? That's The Agenda for Aug. 15-21

Breed’s new Planning Commission nominee has little in the way of a political record

Mayor names an East Bay consultant who has very little record of any local activism on land-use issues.

Keep a creaking and dangerous nuke plant alive? Is PG&E serious?

Company wants to go back on 2016 deal and operate Diablo Canyon long after it should have been shut down. Plus: A D6 debate will showcase all the candidates. That's The Agenda for Aug. 8-15.

The big debates: Changing the mayoral election date, a homeless oversight commission …

The Board of Supes has two more meetings to finalize the fall ballot, and while some measures are clearly going to be approved, at...

Breed names Jenkins as new DA; now will the media hold her accountable?

Let's see if a 'tough-on-crime' prosecutor gets a pass from the critics who hounded Chesa Boudin.

Taking on the monopolies: Recology and PG&E

Plus: What's up with the Compassionate Emergency Response Teams? That's The Agenda for July 4-11

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