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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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City Hall

SF supes want an end to tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful demos

Plus: What are we going to do about all of those parklets as the city opens up again? That's The Agenda for May 24-31

Big Telecom giveaway bills head for state Assembly votes

Plus: Measure to limit CEQA appeals goes before supes and a rally to limit supportive housing rents. That's The Agenda for May 17-23

Is San Francisco a ‘conservative’ city? That’s what the Chron thinks.

But is opposing the Big Business and Big Tech Agenda really 'conservative?' Plus: Free Muni --and a complex new Muni yard. That's The Agenda for May 10-18.

Preston wants details on the future of the City Hall scandal investigations

Supervisor wants to know how Herrera's move to the PUC will affect the city attorney's ongoing corruption probe.

So what happens to all that empty downtown office space?

The supes (finally) are starting to discuss the post-COVID economy. Plus: Pay equity for nonprofit workers who operate under city contracts. That's The Agenda for April 25 to May 2.

SF could have affordable Internet for everyone for $35 a resident

Why isn't the Breed Administration moving for municipal broadband? That's The Agenda for April 11-18

SF has a new tech plan — but it ignores the need for public broadband

Plus: Confronting attacks on Asian seniors and a modest, but important, police reform ... That's The Agenda for April 4-11

Oversight — of Recology, the Ferris Wheel deal ….

... and commercial landlords. Plus the Chron's neo-liberal editorial page editor retires. That's The Agenda for March 15-22.

The Agenda: Hazard pay for grocery workers …

... a hearing on Malik Washington's free speech and a rally to save City College: That's The Agenda for March 8-14

A varsity letter at 79, a rally to free Malik ….

... plus saving homeless hotel rooms -- and should people who bought a building cleared by eviction get a financial bonus? That's The Agenda for March 1-8

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