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Friday, March 14, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

The GOP hits keep coming in D7

Trump supporters launch last-minute attack on Melgar and Nguyen

Big Money’s racist attacks in D7

Plus: School Board members of color get threatening online messages. Is this really San Francisco in 2020?

Are taxpayers subsidizing Uber and Lyft campaign?

Somehow, Yes on 22 mailers got nonprofit status with the Post Office.

Another big-money anti-tax front group emerges in SF

The Chamber of Commerce and GOP donors have created Fed UP SF to attack progressive taxes.

GOP-linked big money attacks progressive candidates and taxes in SF

Millions in PAC money from the 1 percent -- and big Mitch McConnell backer -- floods into San Francisco for last-minute hit pieces.

The Big Lie on Prop. I

Big Real Estate makes small restaurants their front group in mailers that are completely inaccurate.

Harris plays to the center; Pence plays to the base

It's sad that the Democratic Party feels it has to defend fracking and hide from the Green New Deal.

Democrat in D7 race helps pay for Republican candidate’s mailer

Joel Engardio is on a one-two slate with right-wing GOP hopeful -- and the mayor is now endorsing both Engardio and Myrna Melgar.

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

From the RNC to Kenosha: racism and death

Two days after a pair of gun-toting white vigilantes got a prime-time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, a gun-toting white vigilante shot...

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