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Friday, March 14, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

The horror that is the RNC

I almost couldn’t watch. And I’ve watched a lot of bad politics. The Republican Convention has been something different, a new low beyond the worst...

Biden’s convention: Powerful images, powerful speeches ….

Wednesday night was about fighting back. The speakers took on Donald Trump, with former President Barack Obama – normally the calm, measured voice of...

Convention, Day One: It’s all about “together.”

The word of the day was “together.” We hear it all the time in Democratic Party circles, usually from the more centrist side. It’s...

Why the Post Office matters

When I arrived in San Francisco in 1981, the Post Office on Clayton street was my lifeline. We used to call Clayton “Post Office...

The TikTok campaigns

After a few edits and some graphics, Sameera Rajwade uploaded the first video to her TikTok account. Within a day, it had racked up...

Biden-Harris launches with inspired stories — but no talk of taxing the rich

I watched the dramatic first event with Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris this afternoon. It was inspiring, with powerful personal stories (including Harris’...

Understanding the politics of Kamala Harris

Joe Biden was never going to pick Rep. Barbara Lee as his running mate. He’s not a left-progressive-democratic socialist, and never was. So Sen....

The money—and endorsements—in District Five

One of the most interesting elements of the D5 supervisorial campaign is challenger Vallie Brown’s website. Check out the tab that says “endorsements.” Most people...

Following the money in D1

District One has always been a key political battleground, a part of town that’s around 60 percent tenants and 40 percent homeowners and that,...

BREAKING: California Labor Federation drops Wiener endorsement

In a stunning turnaround, the California Labor Federation today decided not to endorse incumbent state Sen. Scott Wiener for re-election. The powerful organization had backed...

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