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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

Last-minute campaign intelligence — and Election Night Parties

I haven’t seen a campaign mailer from Rep. Nancy Pelosi in at least 20 years. She doesn’t make a habit of coming back to...

The Democratic convention delegates might matter — here’s how to apply

Let’s make a huge leap here – even before the California primary, and I will explain why in a moment – and look at...

If the Democrats want to elect Trump, just have more debates like this one

Much of the almost-unwatchable, atrociously badly moderated debate, was about trashing Bernie Sanders, and much of what some candidates said was that he would...

‘Families first’ public defender enters D7 race

UPDATED: A public defender who coaches girls' basketball at a Catholic school announced today that’s he’s running for supervisor. With about 100 supporters lined up in...

Firefighters want no part of dark-money lawsuit

The San Francisco Firefighters Union is asking the political consultant who is suing to overturn the city’s dark money law to immediately stop referring...

Teacher’s Union endorses Wiener opponent for state Senate

The March State Senate primary in San Francisco is heating up. Jackie Fielder, the Indigenous-Mexicana queer activist who has been involved in the campaign for...

With Fewer retiring, Connie Chan takes up progressive banner in D1

District 1 has a remarkable political history. It’s not, by definition, one of the most left-leaning parts of the city. The voters who tend...

Sorting out the California presidential primary

The March 3 primary in California matters; it could be a big day for the Democratic presidential candidates. But there are a lot of...

Preston to join board Dec. 17

City Hall will move another big step in the progressive direction next week as Dean Preston joins the Board of Supes. Preston, who narrowly defeated...

Control of SF Democratic Party up for grabs in March

California will for once play a significant role in choosing the Democratic nominee for president, since the state has moved up its primary to...

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