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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

Sup. Brown concedes in D5 election

Five days after the results made clear that Dean Preston has been elected supervisor, incumbent Sup. Vallie Brown has conceded. Brown called Preston this morning...

The future of SF politics

If you spent any time in the headquarters of the campaigns for Chesa Boudin or Dean Preston, if you spent any time on the...

Preston, Boudin are winners as vote-count nears finish

With all but a handful of ballots counted, Dean Preston declared victory today in the D5 supes race and Chesa Boudin was far enough...

Boudin now in the lead, Preston still ahead

Well, my fuzzy math wasn’t all bad. I predicted last night that if the trends from the past day continued, Chesa Boudin would be in...

Late ballots break in progressive direction

The VBM ballots counted today are breaking much more the way the Election-Day votes did: Dean Preston is now 35 votes ahead of Sup....

Latest ballots are trending conservative

The first round of Election-Day vote-by-mail ballots have shown a shift to the conservative side. It’s not as pronounced as the first-round VBM, but...

Really close races, and we won’t know for days

With all the precincts counted, it’s really, really close. Dean Preston is ahead in D5 by 95 votes. Chesa Boudin is ahead in the DA’s...

Election-day results shift dramatically in progressive direction

Election-day results are very dramatic: Dean Preston is now ahead in D5, and Chesa Boudin is ahead in the DA’s race. In fact, Preston has...

First results look very conservative

Now, a bit late, we have preliminary results. These are from the 69,000 people who voted by mail early. It’s hard to tell what...

Election night: Ballot problems in D5

Out in front of Sup. Vallie Brown’s headquarters this afternoon, Mayor London Breed was giving her pitch. With a lone TV camera in place,...

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