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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

Campaign madness: No on C’s bizarre messaging ….

I continue to be boggled by the No on C campaign. I think Joe Eskenazi did a great job explaining the bizarre nature of...

A No on 10 study out of UC Berkeley is so dumb it’s almost a joke

The opponents of Prop. 10, which would allow cities to expand rent control, have another academic study they’re touting to make the strange case...

The socialists aren’t leaving the Democratic Party

In the October 20 “Willie’s World,” Willie Brown’s often surprisingly informative and entertaining San Francisco Chronicle column, the former mayor and state Assembly speaker...

The POA wants to lock more people up — and thinks its chosen candidates will, too

If you think the solution to the problems of drugs and car break-ins is to make more arrests, prosecute more cases, and lock more...

Cops opposing reform come in big for Trauss, Johnson, and Ho

The San Francisco Police Officers Association, which most mainstream San Francisco elected officials are running away from as fast as they can, because of...

New study says rent control doesn’t discourage new housing

The landlord lobby – and it’s one of the most powerful interests in the state of California – is spending more than $40 million...

Gascon will step down — but who will step up?

A lot of people in the San Francisco political world were stunned when District Attorney George Gascon announced he would not be running for...

Big donor supports GOP Senate campaign, Lindsey Graham … and Jessica Ho, Sonja Trauss, and Christine Johnson

In the wake of the horrifying Kavanaugh hearings, it seems likely most San Franciscans are hoping that the GOP loses control of both the...

Big Tech, Real Estate money pours into D6 and D4

You can tell a lot about a politician by what they have done in previous offices – a School Board member running for supervisor...

Is everyone at City Hall incompetent?

I will stipulate that the BART Station at 16thStreet is dirty. But it seems a bit of a stretch to say that because of...

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