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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

2024 DNC protests may have little in common with 1968—let’s hope

Similar political contexts, sure, but progressive Chicago leadership, protestors’ focus on de-escalation, and the evolution movement itself predict change

In Wisconsin, Harris generates excitement and energy

With the convention a week away, here's how a small city welcomed the new Democratic ticket

About that Chron poll on Breed …

Is attacking the most vulnerable a viable campaign strategy—and is the mayor really surging? Let's look at the facts.

Why SF’s campaign finance laws aren’t working

The billionaires just break the rules with impunity and pay meaningless fines to make it all go away.

Media Week: The attacks on San Francisco have begun

Plus: Some advice from Bernie Sanders—and how the NY Times missed the point on the A.I revolution.

So far, big mayoral money isn’t moving the needle

Lurie's spent millions. He's still not breaking through. Farrell spent big; he's still where he was months ago.

Mayor makes inhumane, ineffective sweeps a major part of her re-election campaign

Stealing people's possessions and moving them around town solves nothing—but it makes for mayoral politics.

In search of SF’s ‘lunatic fringe’

I can't find my card, so maybe I'm not a member. But JD Vance should know plenty about lunatics.

SF Democratic Party calls for more queer women in office—then votes for D9 guys

Billionaire slate rejects its own resolution and votes against Jackie Fielder in D9. Are we surprised? It's all about the money.

Letter from Milwaukee: Reflections on the RNC—and the protests

Peaceful activists challenged racist and sometimes violent MAGAs during the Trump coronation.

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