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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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ElectionsCampaign Trail

Campaign Trail

Event shows widespread political support for Prop. A, affordable housing bond

Lively kickoff focuses on unity; turnout will be key, and Breed's right-wing measures aren't helping.

The next billionaire target: SF judges

More than $150,000 in Big Tech and real estate money pours into right-wing effort to oust incumbent judge

Barbara Lee talks about economic inequality in visit to the Mission

Why we need both a wealth tax and a return to pre-Reagan income taxes.

Progressive slate kicks off DCCC campaign with messaging about the plutocrats

A large crowd showed up in the Golden Gate Park panhandle Saturday to launch the campaign of a slate of progressive candidates for the...

Twitter trolls attack Preston for the most common sense approach on crime

The Big Money assault on progressive politics is gearing up for 2024.

Honey Mahogany talks about Treasure Island finances and how to make the project work

D6 candidate supports the unpopular toll, but knows more about the complex situation than the incumbent, Matt Dorsey.

Matt Dorsey’s Treasure Island problem

It's a key part of the district's future—but he hasn't been able to explain his vision (or even his understanding of the issues).

Ads for Yimby measure not just misleading but illegal, complaint says

Filing argues that use of city seal implies wrongly that the Fire Department or its workers support the Yimby-backed and tech-bro-funded housing measure.

Fall ballot measures will test the mayor and her allies

Who is going to oppose taxes on Amazon and on vacant apartments?

It’s official: Honey Mahogany is challenging the mayor’s appointee in District 6

Campaign kickoff sets the stage for a tough campaign in a new and different district that was once a progressive stronghold.

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