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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Letters to the editor: What to do about the Great Highway park

Should we just leave it to Mother Nature? Readers respond.

The real story behind Prop. D

It's not about bureaucracy. It's about democracy.

Prison—or programs that actually work?

Prop. 36 would lock more people up—and undermine proven solutions that break the cycle of crime and incarceration.

Billionaires are attacking San Francisco’s system of democracy

Commissions give voice to vulnerable communities. Why do want to get rid of them?

Some (perhaps too optimistic) October Surprises

Trump offers his office space to the unhoused; Harris offers jobs to asylum seekers. We can still dream ....

UC’s unfair pay scales undermine crucial mental health treatment

A two-tiered system for clinical social workers leads to overwork, burnout, and worse outcomes for patients.

Opinion: Is it time for an ACT-UP for Long COVID?

As the dangers of Long COVID become more recognized, the country's going backwards on preventing new infections.

City College is depriving students of educational opportunities

So many classes have been cut that it's becoming way too difficult for students to get their degrees. It's a serious crisis

Is Kamala Harris a Yimby? Not if you read her actual housing plans

The Harris platform calls for huge government spending on affordable housing—along with strict market regulation.

San Francisco can Make Golf Safe Again

Imagine the headlines: 'SF bans assault weapons on local golf courses.' What is Trump going to say?

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