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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Tagged with: Open Space

Scenes from the Plaza Party

By Tim Redmond JUNE 14, 2014 -- A festive crew took over the 16th and Mission BART plaza this afternoon, making a statement that a...

The other waterfront monstrosity: SF Giants get even sweeter deal than Warriors

By Tim Redmond The Warriors arena – that giant spaceship on the Bay – is getting most if the attention in the fight over the...

Mayor Lee’s latest plaza-privatization plan is based on a troubling New York model

By Tim Redmond The Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development is pushing a plan that would allow private entities to "sponsor" public plazas –...

Citywide tenant convention: “This is the start of a movement”

By Tim Redmond FEB.10, 2014 -- Among the old-timers at the San Francisco tenants convention Saturday, the same question kept coming up: When was the...

The (quiet) privatization of San Francisco

By Tim Redmond It is, of course, illegal to drink an open alcoholic beverage on the streets of San Francisco. It's also illegal to sit...