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Sunday, September 15, 2024

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Tagged with: Peskin

Vancouver study shows how the Yimby narrative has failed, in real time

Planner and professor says massive increase in density and new housing didn't bring costs down; in fact, costs are way up.

Live TV mayoral debate shows sharp contrast between Peskin and the others

Rent control, affordable housing, vicious attacks on the unhoused set clear distinctions in the mayoral race.

Are the state’s new housing rules an unfunded mandate for San Francisco?

Is there an good argument that the state needs to pay cities for the RHNA affordable housing goals?

Billionaire-funded mailer sure looks like an ad for Mark Farrell for Mayor

Is it legal? Does anyone care? This is the sad state of ethics enforcement in San Francisco today.

Preston gets SRO elevators fixed—and rent control could be a fall campaign issue

Peskin measure before supes puts key tenant issue in the political debate. That's The Agenda for Sept. 3-8.

Neighborhood businesses threatened by upzoning and speculators

Peskin plan would slow down the displacement of longtime commercial tenants as Breed's proposal starts to fuel evictions.

Media Week: Should Kamala Harris do more press interviews?

Plus: the Chron's Peskin problem, and what is a 'moderate' anyway?

About that Chron poll on Breed …

Is attacking the most vulnerable a viable campaign strategy—and is the mayor really surging? Let's look at the facts.

So far, big mayoral money isn’t moving the needle

Lurie's spent millions. He's still not breaking through. Farrell spent big; he's still where he was months ago.

Mayor makes inhumane, ineffective sweeps a major part of her re-election campaign

Stealing people's possessions and moving them around town solves nothing—but it makes for mayoral politics.