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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Tagged with: Public Records

State auditor attacks local land-use authority

Study of housing agency finances veers into politically disputed territory.

Supes to vote on cops contract — as new records show history of blocking reform

Documents reveal a stunning pattern of the POA trying to prevent reforms -- but a deal to give the cops raises with no concessions is still pending approval.

Racist citations for minor offenses criminalize homeless people

New study looks at non-traffic citations, which can lead to arrests for behavior that wealthy white people engage in every day.

A quiet, sweetheart deal for the cops

The Board of Supes will meet in closed session Tuesday/18 to discuss negotiations with city employee unions, and one of the issues on the...

Supes, by one vote, reject public advocate plan

The San Francisco supes today refused by one vote to put a measure on the ballot creating a public advocate to focus on public...

COVID is devastating the US economy—while the very rich get very richer

My poor puppy hates the fireworks. They’re loud and unpredictable. There are many theories, some of them pretty out there, as to why so...

Which side of the ‘house divided’ are you on?

This morning I made the dire mistake of reading twitter comments on a San Francisco Chronicle report of protesters at SF Mayor London Breed's...

Breed orders repeated homeless sweeps, text messages show

Mayor London Breed routinely texts Police Chief Bill Scott and orders him to clear out homeless encampments, particularly in areas she frequents, public records...

Developer wants huge density bonus — should we know why?

Fascinating housing discussion last week at the Board of Supes. The issue involves a large site at Geary and Masonic that for years was...

Is the Monster in the Mission dead?

For years, as community leaders fought for affordable housing instead of luxury condos as 16thand Mission, the developer who owned the site said that...