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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Reese Erlich

Foreign Correspondent: An open letter to a Trump-supporting friend

I first met Robby Robertson during the 1969 General Electric strike. He was a young, militant worker fighting for a decent contract and social...

Foreign Correspondent: What’s next for Bolivia after military coup?

In 2005, I sat in a lounge off the Senate chamber in La Paz, Bolivia, waiting for an interview. I was wearing my best...

Special report: Bay Area academics visit Kurds in Northern Syria

Editor's Note: This story by our Foreign Correspondent columnist Reese Erlich is accompanied by photographs by Beth LaBerge. In Laberge's words, "I spent two...

Foreign Correspondent: The Brexit mess

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Britain’s tousle-haired answer to Donald Trump, came into office promising to leave the European Union by October 31. He declared...

Foreign Correspondent: Trump dumps Kurds as the empire crumbles

In less than two weeks, President Donald Trump has managed to create a massive and avoidable crisis in Syria. By greenlighting the Turkish invasion of...

Foreign Correspondent: Will Trump Bring Peace to Afghanistan?

Washington, DC is buzzing with talk of troop withdrawals and the impact on peace talks in  Afghanistan. The US may start withdrawing troops within...

China trade war not going well for Trump

  China is coming after us! Time to steel ourselves for battle against the human-rights-violating, currency-manipulating, job-grabbing, intellectual-property-stealing, missile-launching evil doers. Or so Washington, D.C....

Elizabeth Warren on war and peace

In the last few months Senator Elizabeth Warren has gained ground in public opinion polls tracking the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination....

What’s really going on in Hong Kong

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT For more than three months, people in Hong Kong massed in the streets to protest a proposed extradition law. Critics say it would...

The ‘Trump Doctrine’ is sinking fast

Tehran resident Dariush is exactly the kind of person that the Trump Administration claims to be supporting. He is a middle-class businessman who hates...