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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Single-payer

The Agenda, Inauguration Week: How and where to protest Trump

I first heard about Aeon Magazine on the Freakonomics radio show, when the host, Stephen Dubner, interviewed these two historians about the importance of...

Does California need to secede?

There was enough talk on Twitter this morning about California seceding from the United States to merit a story on CBS News. I don’t...

Why are so many people homeless in SF?

Editors note: The SF Chronicle is leading an effort to get local news media to report on homelessness this week. We are happy to...

The Agenda, April 25-May 1: Lots of housing data …

It’s going to be a week full of housing data, which is a good thing since so much of the information the national news...

Big rally for single-payer health care

Hundreds march in Oakland for "Medicare for all" By Tim Redmond JULY 30, 2015 -- Hundreds of people filled Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland today as...

City Beat: Why can’t we have nice things?

By Tim Redmond JUNE 5, 2014 – More than two thirds of Americans think that "government must see to it that nobody is without food,...