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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Sana Saleem

Sana Saleem
Sana Saleem is a writer with a focus on social justice and human stories. She's member board of advisory for the Courage Foundation, Edward Snowden's legal defense fund.

As Trump wages war on women’s health, San Francisco’s elected women are fighting back

As the Trump administration moved into defund international Planned Parenthood San Francisco's elected women leaders are fighting back. On Tuesday, Supervisor Hillary Ronen introduced a resolution that strongly...

Update: All seven have been released. Local rapper Equipto detained at SFPD Chief swearing in ceremony

UPDATE: All seven individuals have now been released from detention.  Monday: Local rapper Equipto, real name Ilyich Sato, was arrested alongside six others at the...

New SFPD Chief has a lot on his plate

Chief William Scott was sworn in as San Francisco's police chief today at City Hall. Scott, 52, previously worked as Deputy Chief for the...

#WomensMarch: More than 100,000 march in San Francisco despite heavy rain

#Womensmarch: More than 100,000 (initial estimate) people marched down the streets of San Francisco despite heavy rain and cold weather. The march was led...

#WomensMarch in Pictures: More than 60,000 join the march in Oakland

Over 60,000 people gathered at Oakland's Oscar Grant Plaza for Women's March to show solidarity for women's right and protest statements made by President...

LIVEBLOG: #WomensMarch protests around the Bay

    As hundreds of thousands gather in Washington DC today the Bay Area is host to multiple Women's March protests against the new President, Donald...

LIVE BLOG: #J20 Inauguration day protests around the Bay

  Live Blog #J20: Inauguration day protests around the Bay Area   window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand === undefined) { window.cilVwRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); }var e =...

Body camera footage appears to contradict SFPD’s version of the shooting

The San Francisco Police body camera footage from the officer involved shooting on Jan 6th appears to contradict some of the official claims made...

#120hours Day 2: Protestors tell district attorney ‘do your job’

On the second day of the #120hours of action, 11 San Francisco natives are still sitting in across the road from City Hall. Tents...