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Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Tom Molanphy


Does SF have enough water to give some back to the salmon—and the ecosystem?

SF is hoarding water and killing fish—or it's preserving a precious resource from impending drought. Depends whose numbers you believe.

‘We feel abandoned’: Bayview protest highlights ongoing toxic waste scandal

Community demands excavation and removal of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard radioactive residue, with local oversight.

Community leaders reflect on three key Bay Area MLK speeches—and envision his dreams for 2022

Voting rights, economic opportunity, education, social justice—so much remains to be done.

In Bayview, air power for the people

Marie Harrison Bayview Hunters Point Air Monitor Project puts important data in the hands of the community

50 years ago, San Bruno Mountain was almost cut in half

Remembering a successful community campaign to save the local environment—as climate challenges loom.

Fierce environmental champions: Meet the 2021 Goldman Prize winners

Six real-life heroes who have pushed back against global disaster, from Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley' to Malawi's plastics crisis.

Beyond roads and bridges: The push to consider nature as essential ‘infrastructure’

In a land of drought and pollution, can environmental harmony be built into Build Back Better?

Reservoir Dogs: Coyotes find a home amid Sunset solar panels

A pair of animals settles in, offering lessons on our contemporary relationship to nature

A call for the state to revoke PG&E’s license to sell power

In the wake of more criminal charges, some say the PUC should end the private utility's role as the main energy provider in Northern California (paving the way for public power).

The air is bad all over the city. It’s way worse in Bayview Hunters Point

Although unhealthy air quality canceled the car parade to City Hall to Mayor Breed’s office, a small but devoted group of 30 Bayview Hunters...