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Saturday, January 25, 2025

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The neighborhood case for Proposition 10

Vote YES to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (state ballot measure Proposition 10).  This state law repeal will impact the entire state. Current existing...

Prop. C: The battle for the soul of San Francisco

The New American Oligarchy of Wealth and Privilege that seized control of the United States two years ago with the election of President Donald...

Dirty desperate lies about Prop. C

Proposition C to appear on November’s ballot is a long time coming. It’s San Francisco’s opportunity to tackle the humanitarian crisis of homelessness while...

Governor Brown’s climate shortcomings are bad for our health

California often gets credit for being an environmental leader, but such plaudits overlook the many neighborhoods in California that live a nightmarish reality due...

‘Founding Father’ knows best: The problem with Brett Kavanaugh

Do you believe that the contours of your relationship with other people should be determined by a group of 20- and 30-year-olds living 250...

The case for another Rape Treatment Center in SF

On May 18th, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) re-introduced the Survivors’ Access to Supportive Care Act after a failed attempt...

OPINION: Yes we cannabis — even in Chinatown

We love cannabis legalization, both personally and as a policy matter: healing the sick, employing workers, reducing criminal-justice disparities, and generating tax revenue for...

OPINION: The best sort of democracy for San Francisco

Calvin Welch has been a dedicated housing activist and progressive leader for decades, but we have consistently disagreed with him about Ranked Choice Voting...

OPINION: We need housing, not more offices, in Soma

Ever since 1980, Todco and our community action arm, the Yerba Buena Neighborhood Consortium, have pressed for more housing instead of office buildings in...

OPINION: Stopping rent-hikes in affordable housing

Young Community Developers has been fighting for Bayview residents and the entire District 10 community for more than 45 years. In 2016, YCD full...

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