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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Agenda

The ceasefire resolution comes up this week

Plus: A weird landlord bill—and why is Tom Ammiano written out of the history of the bridge suicide barrier? That's The Agenda for Jan. 7 to 14

The billionaire plutocrats set their sights on controlling SF’s Democratic Party

Big money from tech barons comes into the local DCCC race—and to support the mayor's pro-police agenda.

Screen Grabs: Kick off your new year on Mars, with the great Nikki Giovanni

Plus: Splendid Spanish-language Oscar contenders, ecstatic dance flicks, 'Freud's Last Session,' more movies

Screen Grabs: Come from the land of the ice and snow

'Society of the Snow,' 'Norwegian Dream,' and 'Smoke Sauna Sisterhood' bring different survivor tales

Jenkins says the solution to homelessness is to make the unhoused ‘uncomfortable’

DA also goes all in on blaming judges for the city's overdose problems.

Who are these nice people who say they want me to get a raise?

Turns out it's a rabid anti-labor group that wants to destroy public-sector unions.

Supes push back on state-mandated housing disaster

Plus: An honest discussion about the cops and budget priorities. That's The Agenda for Nov. 26 to Dec. 3

New report says we can’t save the planet without taxing the rich

Oxfam says there is no such thing as an effective climate plan that isn't also an economic equality plan.

The profound irony of the APEC news media coverage

The problem that the mayor is trying to solve with sweeps was created by the same political agenda that drives the event she is so happily hosting.

The (other) big problems with APEC

Powerful CEOs and politicians meet in secret to promote global catastrophe. Plus: Judges, cops, and crime ... That's The Agenda for Nov. 12 to 19