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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Ballot Measures

The real story behind Prop. D

It's not about bureaucracy. It's about democracy.

Billionaires are attacking San Francisco’s system of democracy

Commissions give voice to vulnerable communities. Why do want to get rid of them?

Billionaire-funded mailer sure looks like an ad for Mark Farrell for Mayor

Is it legal? Does anyone care? This is the sad state of ethics enforcement in San Francisco today.

Restoring the ecosystem of City College

The next chancellor needs to prioritize all types of classes for all types of students.

What the March election really meant—and where the city goes from here

Big tech money and low progressive turnout carried the day—but what if there's a real mayor's race in November?

Today’s ballot totals: the remaining votes are breaking more progressive

The conservatives are still dominating. But it's not a huge mandate for Mayor London Breed.

Declaring the end of progressive San Francisco is a bit premature

Only 20 percent of the votes have been counted. And we have heard this story before.

Why immigrants are worried about SF’s Proposition E

The measure would undermine the Sanctuary City policies.

Opinion: The local Sierra Club is no longer an environmental leader

A takeover by conservatives has undermined the progressive authority of the group's local endorsements

What the billionaires want

The agenda behind the big money is clear—and for more than 40 years, it's been a massive failure that created most of our social problems.