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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Tagged with: cannabis

Puff: A little dab will do ya

PUFF Recreational and medicinal cannabis users are flocking to the world of concentrates. A few you might have heard of are kief, hash, wax, resin,...

Puff: More joys of microdosing

PUFF I've sung the praises of microdosing before. Gummies, sprays and mints can deliver a small amount of of THC and/or CBD, 2-10mg per...

Puff: In Mendocino, Flow Cannabis Institute dreams big (and artisanal)

PUFF A few weeks ago, on a beautiful, sunny day in the rolling hills of Mendocino County, Flow Kana opened the doors of its...

Puff: From Peron to Prop. 64

PUFF History was made in the Castro on a bench at Cafe Flore in 1974. Dennis Peron shared a joint with Mary Jane Rathburn...

Puff: Cannabis sample boxes are perfect for newbies and connoisseurs alike

PUFF Walking into a marijuana dispensary can be intimidating, especially if you're not sure what you want, or what will affect you in what...

Puff: Why isn’t SF a cannabis sanctuary city?

PUFF On February 13, the city of Berkeley declared itself a sanctuary city for recreational marijuana, firmly kicking San Francisco’s cool cred in the butt. As proposed...

Puff: Ode to edibles

PUFF We all have had that fear. Being clueless at a party and eating two brownies only to find out they are medicated, and...

Remembering Dennis Peron, who helped legalize weed

Early supporter of medical cannabis risked arrest, got shot by the cops -- and changed California drug laws.

Puff: After legalization – what now?

PUFF Bang! 2018 is here. All the balloting, arguing, politicking, voting and discussing are over, and cannabis is legal for adults to use recreationally...

At Emerald Cup, the art of dabbing

PUFF A couple of weeks ago I made the pilgrimage north of San Francisco to Santa Rosa to experience the Emerald Cup, the big...