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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Divisive

The D5 debate shows candidate differences

The District Five supes debate Thrusday night was packed, more than 400 people in the lower room at St. Mary’s Cathedral, absolutely standing-room only....

Nasty, misogynistic vandals hit Ronen campaign office

Unknown vandals defaced the door of District 9 supe candidate Hillary Ronen last night with an alarmingly misogynist message posted by an apparent supporter...

SFPD is a toxic culture of old boys run by insiders who resist reform

The final report of the Blue-Ribbon Task Force investigating the San Francisco Police Department came out today, and while much of it is not...

What the next homeless director needs to do

Let's make a plan to put 6,000 homeless people into housing. It's something the city can do By Jennifer Friedenbach In my 20 years of working...

The Agenda, Sept. 21 – Sept 27: A big, odd, garbage battle at City Hall …

... Pits the Sierra Club and a giant landfill operator against our local  trash monopoly. Plus: An insane transportation fee goes to the supes,...

Supes decide that more cops are the answer to crime

Despite evidence, the board votes 6-5 to link police staffing to population By Tim Redmond JUNE 24, 2015 – The Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to...

Opinion: The Giants are playing a numbers game with affordable housing

The waterfront proposal doesn't do as much for housing as the team would like you to think By Peter Cohen and Fernando Martí MAY 12,2015 --...

Could Richmond be a model for police reform?

By Brett Murphy Ed. Note: In the past decade, the police department in Richmond, Calif. has undergone a dramatic transformation. Spearheaded by an openly-gay and white...

We’re back — with housing battles, the mayor vs. Wiener, Airbnb … it never ends

By Tim Redmond AUG. 4, 2014 – So many things happened while we were away – and no surprise, much of it had to do...

Politics on Tuesday: Is City Hall under Lee and Chiu more effective?

By Tim Redmond JULY 15, 2014 -- Over at the Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council Thursday night, a group of political observers and activists (including, yes,...