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Friday, July 26, 2024

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Tagged with: Land Use

Breed’s allegiance to the Yimby movement is hurting her political future

Some of her Big Tech allies have abandoned her—and now the neighborhoods are unhappy too.

Ceramic wabi-sabi: How Erin Hupp zagged to a life of clay

Oakland artist sees her domestic and culinary pieces as anchors to our current moment.

Pending state bill would allow developers to make more big local land-use decisions

Under the radar, a Wicks-Bonta housing bill changes the standards for projects in a way that undermines any professional planning standards.

SF is failing badly to meet its state mandates for extremely low-income housing

Hearing shows yet another example of how the city's Housing Element is nothing more than a farce.

Peskin wants a hands-on mayor, Breed wants a downtown party (for some people) …

... and how is the city planning to create 14,000 housing units for extremely low income households? That's The Agenda for May 5-12

Protecting a program that saves hundreds from becoming unhoused …

... and was a shooting where the cops fired 99 rounds just a 'policy failure?' That's The Agenda for April 28-May 5

The Yimbys think they rule—but there are some serious signs to the contrary

The case against the case against "The Case Against Yimbyism."

Armed troops in the Tenderloin? Plus: Is SF really ‘pro-housing …

... And if we can't trust Boeing or big shipping companies, why are we trusting the makers of robo-vehicles?

CEQA has nothing to do with SF downtown’s economic woes

And Scott Wiener's attack on the environmental law will only make things worse for vulnerable populations.

Can SF get an independent study of toxic risk at Hunters Point?

Plus: Preserving history on the waterfront, and preserving the waterfront from sea-level rise. That's The Agenda for March 24-31