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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: Nimby

Breed’s allegiance to the Yimby movement is hurting her political future

Some of her Big Tech allies have abandoned her—and now the neighborhoods are unhappy too.

The Chron creates a ‘scandal’ that doesn’t exist

The endorsement process of the Bernal Heights Democratic Club suddenly becomes an issue. So does the pretty mainstream positions of a D9 canddate.

A truly bizarre debate on rent control at the Board of Supes

Stefani, Dorsey argue that protecting tenants is somehow a Nimby plot to block new housing.

In a dramatic move, a CA court says housing density doesn’t mean affordability

If the decision holds up, which may not happen, it would be a significant blow to the Yimby agenda.

Wiener tries to fundraise—for himself—from Peskin mayoral campaign announcement

Plus: Will the right-wing candidates really do an anti-Peskin RCV strategy?

My New Year’s resolutions—for everyone else

A few 2024 suggestions for policy makers, the pope, and people who don't clean up their dogshit.

The Chron, voting rights, and district elections

If the state Legislature starts to see district elections of local legislators as a Nimby problem, the oligarchs in SF will rejoice.

The Yimbys are winning the media narrative, and that’s bad for all of us

Why are no local reporters willing to look beyond the simple (inaccurate) slogans and talk about the facts?

A chron oped on the housing hearing is wrong, and signals a new attack on the supes

Board members asked for a modest delay to consider the mayor's amendments to a complex housing bill. The Chron talks of "Nimbys."

What the Yimbys keep getting wrong

Some of us support more density and more housing—just not the private market.