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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: Public Defender

The supes vote on an imperfect, but much better, budget …

... plus new affordable housing and a series of City Charter amendments. That's The Agenda for July 14-21

Pictures from Pride

Festive, fun, sunny ... and not terribly political.

Protests and public comment on Breed’s budget …

...Plus a bright-line supes vote on a critical tenant issue. That's The Agenda for June 24-30.

The criminal justice system in SF is badly broken, and the mayor’s budget doesn’t help

Hearings show overcrowded, dangerous jails, overloaded public defenders—and a DA who is doubling down on making things even worse.

The SF budget battle takes center stage

It's cops against social services in a politically charged budget year.

Breed budget: Deep cuts for social services, more money to the cops

The mayor's priorities are no surprise—but will be a matter of some debate at the Board of Supes.

SF’s new War on Drugs has created dangerous, intolerable conditions in the county jail

Many predicted that this would happen—but the Mayor's Office had no plan.

Lawyers say DA is using terrible crime for political gain …

... While Jenkins and her allies can't seem to get the facts right.

Engardio wants to protect supes from issues ‘outside our control.’ Here’s some amendments

Let's avoid taxes, climate change, war ... or we could just be residents of a city, a country, and a world.

Cops and judges can’t get away with violating reporters’ First Amendment rights

The latest attack on press freedom by the SF cops shows the need for vigilance—and accountability.