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Friday, July 26, 2024

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Tagged with: Public Health

The supes vote on an imperfect, but much better, budget …

... plus new affordable housing and a series of City Charter amendments. That's The Agenda for July 14-21

Protests and public comment on Breed’s budget …

...Plus a bright-line supes vote on a critical tenant issue. That's The Agenda for June 24-30.

The criminal justice system in SF is badly broken, and the mayor’s budget doesn’t help

Hearings show overcrowded, dangerous jails, overloaded public defenders—and a DA who is doubling down on making things even worse.

The SF budget battle takes center stage

It's cops against social services in a politically charged budget year.

The embarrassment of the billionaires

Plus: What are the city's priorities, and will short-term thinking dominate the budget debate? That's The Agenda for May 19-26

Tough budget times in a city full of rich people who don’t pay even remotely fair taxes ….

... plus AI and local elections, the crisis in the jails, and can the zoo really handle pandas? That's The Agenda for May 12-19

CEQA has nothing to do with SF downtown’s economic woes

And Scott Wiener's attack on the environmental law will only make things worse for vulnerable populations.

UCSF says it will ‘retain and grow’ services at two local hospitals …

Running on little to no sleep after working a night shift at the UCSF Parnassus Intensive Care Unit, Matthew Jones stood on the steps...

City wastes millions on contracts with big out-of-town companies, report shows

More than $200 million goes for services city workers could provide much, much cheaper.

Health workers demand an end to dangerous staff shortages at SF General

Contracting out will be a huge issue in this year's labor talks—and the fall election.