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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: regional planning

The Nimbys and the housing crisis

I probably shouldn’t pay too much attention to a story about San Francisco written by a guy who lives in Venice and likes to...

The attack on local zoning control

  DECEMBER 8, 2015 -- My last story about the continuing power struggle between the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission...

The strange and telling story behind the regional planning merger deal

NOVEMBER 12, 2015 -- An overture by SEIU Local 1021, which represents the workers at the Association of Bay Area Governments, averted a showdown...

The Agenda, Oct. 26-Nov. 1: Get out the vote

There are still a lot of ballots that haven't been turned in, and this week will be crucial By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 26, 2015 – City...

A pricey palace, huge losses in risky investments, a busted bridge — and now the agency responsible wants more power

  OCTOBER 11, 2015 -- It now looks as if the open power struggle between the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation...

Should the regional transportation agency be elected?

The power struggle between the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments got a lot more complicated over the past week. Since...

Secrecy rules in regional-planning power struggle

Critical funding, equity issues playing out with very little public input By Zelda Bronstein SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 -- Last week the power struggle between the Metropolitan...

Displacement policy at risk in quiet power struggle

Two regional agencies battling over the future of Bay Area planning -- with social justice in the balance By Zelda Bronstein JULY 21, 2015 --At a...

The false promise of regional governance

Unless the elites change their ways, centralized planning is never going to work MAY 13 -- There’s a push on by Bay Area elites to...

Prosperity, poverty, and really bad planning

You may not have heard of the Economic Prosperity Strategy -- but it's an alarming, dangerous proposal that could impact the future of San...