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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

Supes decide that more cops are the answer to crime

Despite evidence, the board votes 6-5 to link police staffing to population By Tim Redmond JUNE 24, 2015 – The Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to...

The Agenda, June 22-28: Housing bonds, the cost of more cops, the cost of growth ….

... And some highlights of Pride Weekend -- a guide to the upcoming week in politics By Tim Redmond JUNE 22, 2015 – Like developers, mayors...

Why market-rate housing makes the crisis worse

The city's own studies show that building luxury units causes more problems than it solves. Why is this not the defining issue in housing...

Housing into a hotel, in the heart of the Castro

SF's pro-Airbnb law and lax enforcement allows all sorts of operators to cannibalize the city's housing stock for tourist hotels. Check this one out By...

The Agenda, June 8-14, 2015: A big week for housing

Will the supes fix the Airbnb law -- and will a Google lawyer throw a disabled tenant out of her home? By Tim Redmond JUNE 8,...

The Mission moratorium goes down, narrowly — but the fight has only begun

Hundreds and hundreds of Mission residents and community activists demonstrate the massive anger over displacement -- and some folks at City Hall didn't listen....

The Agenda: Moratorium at the Board, pricey SROs at Planning

Plus: Some crucial campaign-reform issues -- and what will be the fate of the Ethics Commission? (UPDATED) By Tim Redmond JUNE 1, 2015 – The vocal...

Violence and intimidation at the DCCC? I didn’t see it, and I was there

The Chron's story, by a reporter who wasn't there, presents a very misleading picture of how people expressed their feelings on the Mission Moratorium By...

SF Democratic Party votes against the Mission

County committee rejects community call for a break in runaway development By Tim Redmond MAY 28, 2015 – As if there were any doubt left, the...

Welcome to the strange world of Airbnb logic

Nothing makes sense -- except the billions that company is reaping by avoiding local regulations By Tim Redmond MAY 18, 2015 – The City Planning Department...