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Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Tagged with: Tenants

For supes, mayor, there’s no more ducking a crucial rent-control issue

Breed, board, will have to side with landlords or tenants. Plus: The failure of state housing mandates, and fall charter amendments. That's The Agenda for July 7-14

Will annual Dolores Hill skateboard event happen—and how will the cops respond?

Plus: Finally, a vote on a critical landlord-tenant issue that could impact the mayor's race. That's The Agenda for July 1 to 7.

The money trail: How big landlords are trying to undermine the state rent control initiative

It's not enough to seek to defeat the Costa-Hawkins repeal; Big Real Estate wants to stop the measure's sponsor from ever doing this again.

Big Real Estate wants to prevent effective rent control—and is pushing SF supes

Showdown looms next week on state ballot measure that would let local government regulate rents on new housing, vacant apartments.

A truly bizarre debate on rent control at the Board of Supes

Stefani, Dorsey argue that protecting tenants is somehow a Nimby plot to block new housing.

Months after federal officials demand action, not much has changed for tenants at Plaza East

Residents still fighting for urgent repairs to the public housing complex.

Mental health center in the Castro under suspicious threat of eviction

Members of Queer LifeSpace held a rally at 2275 Market St. to organize and avoid being kicked out before they’re served eviction papers.

Breed hedges on supporting legal protections, rent relief for tenants

Weirdly, she suggests that her own office can't stop 'abuse' in program that helped 20,000 renters keep a roof over their heads.

Protecting a program that saves hundreds from becoming unhoused …

... and was a shooting where the cops fired 99 rounds just a 'policy failure?' That's The Agenda for April 28-May 5

In a dramatic move, a CA court says housing density doesn’t mean affordability

If the decision holds up, which may not happen, it would be a significant blow to the Yimby agenda.