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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Home News + Politics #WomensMarch: More than 100,000 march in San Francisco despite heavy rain

#WomensMarch: More than 100,000 march in San Francisco despite heavy rain

Jubilant, determined crowd presses on against Trump's message.

#Womensmarch: More than 100,000 (initial estimate) people marched down the streets of San Francisco despite heavy rain and cold weather. The march was led by elderly women and men on wheelchairs. Photos by Sana Saleem.


  1. Great photos! There were WAY more than 100,000. Hard to count because of the rain and darkness. I went to anti Iraq war protests where there were 100,000 people and I never saw Civic Center so full that the march couldn’t fit. I’ve never seen a march that was so big it took up all lanes of Market Street and both sidewalks. I was at Oakland too and SF had to be at least twice as big – maybe 200,000?

    We had to get off BART at Powell Street because the Civic Center Station was backed up with all the people flowing into the march. The march started early because there were just so many damn people. It was fabulous and amazing to see so many people determined to keep marching in the pouring rain.

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