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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Dennis Harvey

Dennis Harvey

Screen Grabs: Xmas Weekend flicks galore

SCEEN GRABS This week brings two major new films about “divisive” American political figures—not exactly what the general public usually wants for Xmas, but...

Screen Grabs: Robin Hood, Spider-Verse, The Quake …

SCREEN GRABS There’s a rather large number of films we didn’t get (and/or want) to see in advance opening this week, including Once Upon...

Screen Grabs: Holiday zombies, wild Youtubers, Japanese classics…

SCREEN GRABS There was so much happening last week, we didn’t have room to mention two major series now already in-progress at Berkeley’s Pacific...

Screen Grabs: Lost Landscapes of San Francisco, Roma, The Favourite …

SCREEN GRABS This is no time for Christmas shopping, at least if you’re a film buff—not only is the genre festival Another Hole in the...

Screen Grabs: Another Hole in the Head, Green Book, Shoplifters …

SCREEN GRABS As SF bathes in a toxic haze, with citizens walking around like the masked denizens of a dystopian-future movie, it might seem a...

Screen Grabs: The French Had a Name For It …

SCREEN GRABS Importation of foreign language films has reportedly been on the decline for many years because US audiences are growing more resistant to reading...

Screen Grabs: Festival mania fills local cinemas!

SCREEN GRABS There is surely nowhere in the world with more film festivals per capita than San Francisco. While the bigger annual events are...

Reconstituting Orson Welles, in ‘Wind’ and in ‘Love’

When Orson Welles died in 1985 at age 70—hardly “prematurely,” since given his prodigious appetites (esp. culinary) it was already a miracle he’d survived...

Screen Grabs: Suspiria, Boy Erased, The Wild Pussycat …

SCREEN GRABS It being Halloweek, it would be just plain wrong not to lead off with a horror film, and as it happens Friday...

Screen Grabs: The War at Home, Wings of Desire, What They Had …

SCREEN GRABS There are no less than four solid, serious dramas opening at local theaters this week, signaling that the silly season (which these days...