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Friday, March 21, 2025

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John Elberling

John Elberling

The Downtown development gang’s massive, expensive folly

The $2 billion Transbay Transit Center was designed for a financial district that no longer exists—but wait, there's more.

Why 469 Stevenson, the much-hyped project, will provide zero affordable housing for SoMa

Look at the numbers. It just doesn't add up. And there was a much better alternative.

Beware the neoliberal establishment news media narrative

The election was not exactly a massive win for Mayor London Breed and her allies.

The Golden Goose is dead

For decades, the city's elite touted downtown development as the savior of SF economy. That era is now officially over.

The Chron says the city is broken. Now what?

The Establishment paper can't blame the Establishment that has been running SF since the Gold Rush. Are the Powers That Be turning on the mayor?

Should shopping malls become housing? Yes—but only if the state does it right

The Legislature has responded to affordable-housing developers. But there's a lot of unfinished work to protect vulnerable communities.

The Constitution is the problem, not the solution

The political system has evolved into an Oligarchy and a New Confederacy wants control; nothing in the founding document will stop them.

Yimby Law sues city over project that likely will never get built anyway

It's a good PR stunt, but it's not going to create any new housing anytime soon.

The facts behind the developer propaganda on Soma housing project

The supes vote wasn't anti-housing; there's a great housing deal on the table that the developer has rejected.

Luxury housing will destroy the last low-income community in Soma

Oh, and on a site with very shaky ground, the building could be the next Leaning Tower.