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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Marke B.

Marke B.
Marke Bieschke is the publisher and arts and culture editor of 48 Hills. He co-owns the Stud bar in SoMa. Reach him at marke (at) 48hills.org, follow @supermarke on Twitter.

Party Radar: A monster mash of Halloween bashes

While hardly as wild as it used to be, Halloween is still a hoot in this devilish town. Let us never forget the  year...

Join us for the Best of the Bay party this Thursday!

You're invited! Join 48 Hills editor Tim Redmond, publisher Marke B, and the winners of this year's Best of the Bay for a FREE...

‘Disasterama!’ chronicles SF’s wild, lost queer underground

A certain queer generation has come of memoir age—which is a bit bracing (read: terrifying) for those of us who survived the '80s and...

Arts Forecast: El Rio saved, Litquake aquiver, Open Studios opens….

ARTS FORECAST File under: more of this please! According to the Bay Area Reporter, the buildings housing legendary Latinx queer bar El Rio have...

A ‘Macbeth’ that’s equal parts murder and music

Among the many, many disasters of the Trump regime is its failure to give us a satisfying Lady Macbeth. Granted, Trump himself is no...

BEST OF THE BAY 2019 is here!

Thousands voted, 100+ winners are crowned in the 44th edition of the legendary Bay Guardian Best of the Bay, hosted by 48 Hills! Check out...

Quick ‘n Dirty Guide to Folsom Parties 2019

Let your fetish flag wave! On Sunday, September 22, a giant leather flag was raised in SoMa on the site of the new Eagle...

Enola Gay and the witchy origin of the first AIDS protest

Just around the crack of dawn on September 23, 1984, a handful of gay men gathered outside the gates of the Lawrence Livermore National...

Arts Forecast: Here come the Sisters

MUCH ADO ABOUT FOLSOM Folsom Street Fair is two Sundays away (watch for my party guide), and what better way could organizers seize the news...

A night of great ‘Escape’ with Pop-Up Magazine

The wildly pop-ular Pop-Up Magazine (Fri/20 in San Francisco, Sat/21 in Oakland) is a Bay Area wonder that's grown to appear in cities all over...