Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tim Redmond

Tim Redmond has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He spent much of that time as executive editor of the Bay Guardian. He is the founder of 48hills.

DA Chesa Boudin sworn in with promises of dramatic reform

A reformer who has promised to shake up the broken criminal justice system was sworn into office Thursday, with a promise to end cash...

The death of Metal Arts at City College

Editor's note: There are many, many programs impacted by the decision of the City College chancellor to cut a wide range of classes in...

SF 2019 Housing scorecard is really bleak

On the day that State Sen. Scott Wiener is announcing a new bill to mandate more private-market housing – which means, given the economics...

How ICE treats transgender people — a horror story

Lexis Avilez thought she was going home on Christmas. It seemed, she later said, like a miracle when Yuba County sheriff’s deputies took her Dec....

Wiener’s housing deregulation bill is back!

State Sen. Scott Wiener will hold a press conference and rally in Oakland Tuesday/7 to announce that he’s re-introducing a new version of his...

The Agenda, New Year’s edition: Saving City College …

It’s pretty unusual for a public official who runs a major institution that is short of cash to refuse help. But that’s what’s going...

Sorting out the California presidential primary

The March 3 primary in California matters; it could be a big day for the Democratic presidential candidates. But there are a lot of...

More details emerge in Mission police shooting

We learned a lot more Tuesday night about the shooting of Jamaica Hampton – and it was, at best, disturbing. Chief Bill Scott released at...

Downtown prepares attack on jobs-housing measure

The Chamber of Commerce will apparently be leading the opposition to Prop. E, the measure that would link office growth to housing– and the...

Preston to join board Dec. 17

City Hall will move another big step in the progressive direction next week as Dean Preston joins the Board of Supes. Preston, who narrowly defeated...