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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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News + Politics

News + Politics

Will Breed support reparations?

Plus: Saving Laguna Honda and a glimpse at the possible future or the Castro Theater. That's The Agenda for April 9-16

Health, agriculture, and education in Cuba

The tiny island country makes amazing progress despite the US blockade

The new mayor of Chicago and the lessons for progressives in San Francisco

A progressive beat a 'tough-on-crime' candidates in the nation's third-largest city. What does that say about SF in 2024?

This time, it’s Nashville. I have lived with this horror my entire life.

I am of the lockdown, hide, run-for-your-life school-shooting generation. Since politicians can't seem to act, I fear for the next generation.

SF is sitting on $500 million in unspent affordable housing money

Audit shows Mayor's Office of Housing lacks transparency—and can't explain a huge surplus..

How to film ‘How to Blow up a Pipeline’

Daniel Goldhaber’s eco-thriller aims to 'encourage people to do what they think is right' about the climate crisis.

From Hooverville to Nicklesville

A report from Seattle, where housing built and run by homeless people is having an impact.

Castro Theater landmarking delayed for two weeks as supes say APE needs to step up

Promoter needs to cut deal with community quickly, or face a decision that will undermine its plans, 'frustrated' board members say.

Michael Shellenberger, who says progressives ruin cities, has alarming transphobic tweets

Why would anyone take this person's political opinions seriously any more?

The future of the Castro Theater could hinge on a few words in a landmark bill

Plus: Can we turn offices into housing? Do the cops deserve raises with no concessions on conduct? And can we use opioid settlement money to fund safe-injection sites? That's The Agenda for April 2-9

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