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Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Tagged with: Agenda

CNN gives the GOP its talking points

The moderators at tonight’s Democratic debate pretty much wrote the Republicans’ talking points. It was stunning: Over and over, they asked Sens. Bernie Sanders...

Supes, under intense pressure from mayor, drop plan for homeless commission

The Board of Supes today – under intense pressure from the mayor -- refused to put a measure to create a Homelessness Commission on...

What if the ‘moderates’ are wrong, about everything?

The New York Times went crazy this week with stories about the terror “moderates” are feeling about the direction of the Democratic Party. It...

Planners hear how Nancy Skinner’s housing bill would hurt SF communities

Several members of the Planning Commission expressed concern this week about SB 330, a bill by Sen. Nancy Skinner that is supposed to speed...

The end of Joe Biden as a serious candidate for president

The second round of the Great Debate tonight -- and it's a flawed concept -- started with a kind of bogus question about socialism....

UC’s deal with Big Pharma should raise red flags

Last week, the drug company GlaxoSmithKline announced a five-year, $67 million partnership with UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco. Their stated goal is to establish a...

The first debate: Elizabeth Warren the consensus winner

I watched the first Democratic debate in a bar, during a 48hills Pride event, and there was noise and there were interruptions. I suspect...

Wiener’s gut-and-amend tactics: Will they return with SB 50?

The date was Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2017, in Sacramento CA, when Senator Scott Wiener introduced SB 384, a bill amending the California Business...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...

Warren steals the show at Democratic Convention

It’s remarkable how much the mainstream of the Democratic Party has shifted since Bernie Sanders shook up the party three years ago. This year,...