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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Airbnb

The absurdity of the Airbnb supporters

 The San Francisco Tenants Union fully supports and helped craft the long-needed fix to our short-term rental regulations that Supervisors David Campos and Aaron...

The lessons of last fall’s Airbnb campaign

Last month, at its annual meeting in Puerto Rico, the American Association of Political Consultants gave the $10M Airbnb-financed No on F campaign its...

The Agenda, May 2-May 9: Will the mayor meet with the hunger strikers?

The hunger strike for police accountability is now well into its second week, and still not one word – seriously, not one word –...

Airbnb suddenly drops $245,000 into local politics

Just days after Sups. David Campos and Aaron Peskin announced a measure to more tightly regulate short-term rentals, Airbnb, the biggest company in that...

Who will oppose the new Airbnb measure?

Sups. David Campos and Aaron Peskin have teamed up to take on Airbnb with a simple, clear piece of legislation that could have an...

Nimbys, SFBARF, and a clueless writer at the NY Times

The easy thing to do is just try to ignore the likes of SFBARF and hope they will go away. But they don’t, and...

Liberals — except when it comes home

My old boss, Bruce Brugmann, who ran the Bay Guardian, told me early on in my career that you could tell the real politics...

The Agenda, April 4-10: Changing the DCCC rules (again), the first Kim-Wiener debate ….

Let us start this week with Airbnb. The company has finally decided, after many years, to help the city crack down on what everyone...

Who sent the mayor to Brazil? A group that wants to turn the Mission into tech offices

So we haven’t seen much of Mayor Ed Lee for a while, partly because he doesn’t seem to want to hear protesters go after...

The deep roots of SF’s housing crisis

The most interesting and insightful analysis of the local housing crisis that I’ve read in quite a while appeared today – not in the...