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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Cars

The Agenda, March 16-20: The youth vote, the housing balance, fighting Mission evictions and more

It's going to be a busy week at City Planning -- and on the streets By Tim Redmond MARCH 16, 2015 – Here’s an idea that...

Flower Mart supporters prepare for ballot campaign

While negotiations with developer continue, advocates will start collecting signatures for a measure that would block the entire office project  By Zelda Bronstein MARCH 10, 2015...

Tom’s Town: Why we need late-night transit

By Tom Temprano FEBRUARY 27, 2015 -- I took a trip to New York for Valentines Day and much of my time there was spent...

The Agenda: Feb. 23-March2

Stopping the loss of housing in Mid-Market, a new special trustee (why?) for City College -- and Scott Wiener v. Willie Brown on the...

There was never an “anti-tech” movement in SF

The protests aren't about technology -- they're about displacement, economic inequality, and bad corporate behavior. And they are part of a long political legacy By...

A new pro-growth group takes on the politics of housing

SFBARF is getting a lot of press for a theory -- build and build and build and housing prices will come down -- that...

Food delivery services are clogging the streets and blocking traffic

New apps, new companies are bringing food to your door -- but they're also blocking the bike lanes and creating traffic nightmares   By Steven T....

The Uber model runs into the DMV

A state agency is the latest to say: Get permission first. But sharing economy companies aren't interested in that. By Tim Redmond JANUARY 26, 2015 –...

What’s up with Flower Mart? Depends on whom you ask

There are differing stories, but the tenants are finally getting a say in their future By Zelda Bronstein JANUARY 23, 2015 -- What’s up with the...

96 Hours of protests start with Black Lives Matter actions in SF, Oakland

By Julia Carrie Wong JANUARY 16, 2015 -- While protesters banged spoons on BART cars and shut down stations in San Francisco, another action was...