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Friday, March 28, 2025

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Tagged with: Comcast

Our Ultimate Pride Guide 2024 is bustin’ out all over

30+ parties, arts events, and activities to boot up your sassy queer season—even if you're boycotting!

Who are these nice people who say they want me to get a raise?

Turns out it's a rabid anti-labor group that wants to destroy public-sector unions.

The joy (and tech) of Old St. Mary’s free Noontime Concerts

35 years of Tuesday lunchtime tranquillity, expanding the definition of "classical" and juiced with state-of-the-art streaming

If SF is repaving 219 blocks, what about putting in public broadband?

Plus: Supes are ready to approve a deal on parklets, despite Breed's 'my way or the highway.'

SF has a new tech plan — but it ignores the need for public broadband

Plus: Confronting attacks on Asian seniors and a modest, but important, police reform ... That's The Agenda for April 4-11

A nonprofit alliance becomes an ally of Big Telecom

It's not unusual for businesses to spend princely sums lobbying government to free them from regulations, which generally means consumer protections are reduced or...

Big Telecom tries another deregulation scam in Sacramento

They’re at it again.  After losing in their attempt to torpedo net neutrality protections in California, Assembly members are back with a new and better way...

Cops opposing reform come in big for Trauss, Johnson, and Ho

The San Francisco Police Officers Association, which most mainstream San Francisco elected officials are running away from as fast as they can, because of...

Profiles in corruption: How telecoms control the state Legislature

The last couple of weeks have not been good ones for those who see communications as a social justice issue. The 2015 Open Internet Order,...

The Agenda, June 11-17: A chance to move beyond PG&E

No matter who wins the mayor’s race, there’s a lot of good news from the San Francisco election – and one of the sleeper...