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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: Ed Lee

Review: Out loud and proud in the Mission, Dance Brigade returns

The powerhouse company celebrated neighborhood spirit and protested gentrification in an electric performance

Wiener attacks SF supes

State Senator says board is not functional and harks back to his own days as a supe -- which were only "collegial" when it meant helping Big Tech

Old SF money backing stealthy new right-wing group

Most start-up political organizations like a splash. They hold news events, press conferences, big galas to say: We have arrived. This is who we...

Supes consider major changes in business taxes

The Board of Supes Budget and Finance Committee will consider Thursday/16 a series of tax measures that could raise more than $100 million for...

Anatomy of a corrupt $125 million city contract

In a remarkable and highly unusual hearing today, the Government Audit and Oversight Committee dug into the anatomy of a multimillion contract that Sup....

Culture of casual corruption faces political reckoning

The city controller and city attorney released a report this week showing how a lack of oversight and loopholes in ethics laws allowed the...

Which side of the ‘house divided’ are you on?

This morning I made the dire mistake of reading twitter comments on a San Francisco Chronicle report of protesters at SF Mayor London Breed's...

Screen Grabs: ‘5 Blocks’ delves into Mid-Market development quandary

Many everyday things have been notable for their absence during the shutdown, so something that stood out was construction—because it never seemed to stop,...

Latest person caught up in scandal was a major political player

Another major player in San Francisco politics in in serious trouble in the ever-widening City Hall scandal. Rodrigo Santos, an ally of former mayors Willie...

Final, final results: Progressives win three judges, DCCC

The results of the March 3 San Francisco election are finally (almost) final; the Department of Elections reports all but about 1,500 ballots have...