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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: EIR

Breed’s allegiance to the Yimby movement is hurting her political future

Some of her Big Tech allies have abandoned her—and now the neighborhoods are unhappy too.

Pending state bill would allow developers to make more big local land-use decisions

Under the radar, a Wicks-Bonta housing bill changes the standards for projects in a way that undermines any professional planning standards.

Developers, not CEQA, are keeping a SoMa housing site as a parking lot

The city needs to buy 469 Stevenson for affordable housing.

SF cop fires gun out the window in Santa Rosa. Cops fail on internal affairs reviews

Sometimes, you just have to present these things without comment. The Police Commission will discuss Wednesday/21 the latest Firearms Discharge Review Board report, which...

Is this the end of CEQA as a tool to challenge housing projects that damage communities?

A dramatic change in the use of a longtime neighborhood and community planning process is about to happen; can the supes do anything about it?

Will all new housing development in SF be exempt from environmental review?

Plus: Yimby leader calls for rents to go higher. That's The Agenda for Jan. 22-28.

A new, stealthy Amazon delivery center on the edge of the Bayview?

More trucks in an area with serious air-quality issues. Plus: Evictions in supportive housing. That's The Agenda for Sept. 3-10

Lots of housing laws. Not much housing

Hearing, data show how the state's 'streamlining' supply-side approach is failing.

Finally, Walton will get to ask Breed about reparations

Plus: Next steps for the Castro Theater, the farce of 479 Stevenson, and how the city in once again screwing over cab drivers. That's The Agenda for April 17-24

Is gentrification an environmental impact?

The battle over People’s Park has been raging since I was in sixth grade, and we could spend a huge amount of time talking...