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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Real estate industry seeks state bill to take advantage of key affordable housing bond

Wicks measure could override local requirements, make higher profits for private developers.

Pending state bill would allow developers to make more big local land-use decisions

Under the radar, a Wicks-Bonta housing bill changes the standards for projects in a way that undermines any professional planning standards.

Can SF even do basic fire safety without state bills getting in the way?

A basic, simple rule to protect lives faced a challenge because it might slow the production of more market-rate housing.

Wiener wants to allow more big development along the Ocean Beach coast

A very strange 'power grab' that makes no policy sense—unless you want Miami Beach in the Outer Sunset.

New laws seek to end private developer risk, burdening public instead

Why should cities and counties guarantee profits for builders and push the costs of growth onto the local taxpayers?

Lots of housing laws. Not much housing

Hearing, data show how the state's 'streamlining' supply-side approach is failing.

Should developers bulldoze 100,000 houses on the west side of town?

It's not an idle question. It's part of the mayor's housing agenda. And it's not going to lead to more affordability.

What Wiener wrought: Demolition and oversized housing meeting no need

Castro project too tall, too expensive, no family housing, probably corporate rentals—but the city has to approve it anyway.

Wiener bill would kick elected officials out of critical land-use and housing decisions

If cities don't meet the state's impossible housing goals, unelected bureaucrats could be approving development projects with no oversight.

The state of California is screwing San Francisco on housing

Thanks to Sen. Wiener and our own delegation, San Francisco may be in serious trouble in four years—and it won't be the city's fault.

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